Well, we are making progress. I know what you are all thinking...and sometimes, I think the same thing.
We got the final on the main house just before Christmas last year, whoohooo!, but had to pull the "temporary" kitchen from the garage before they would final that, which just happened a couple weeks ago. Here are a few pictures of moving the kitchen out of the garage and the shop out of the house. What fun that was! Lots has been happening, including moving into our new kitchen!
It was time to do some much needed renovation on the cottage, so we are taking a pause to complete that. Should be done by Sept. 1, and then back to the house to finish up the last of the trim and put the floors down and tada!
Ya just never know what might show up at the pond.
Oh yeah, and out of the dining room!
Niche in the entry in process...
Brother John helping with the move and sporting a new do..
Demo of my 4-year temporary kitchen. Really going to miss bringing the groceries in through the garage door....NOT!
Move it out, turn it into the shop it was meant to be.
My temporary, temporary kitchen....always longer than one might think.
Moving day! Bruce likes really heavy stuff. Thank goodness for young boys!
Okay, and old men too!
A long-awaited day to remember, complete with sit-down dinner for six at the table saw. Fun was had by all. And an immense thanks to Marcus, Paul, Kristi and Joe. Couldn't have done it without you!
Out with the old, and.....
In with the new! Before and after oiling of the soapstone counter tops.
Okay, back up a couple pictures. Some of those wine bottles are vases, remember?
Whoa.........is that Bruce in the kitchen?
Dining room preview....
And what it will look like after...but with a single door.
Rafael, Ariel, and Bruce.
I can't tell you how boring this is. If only we could just play once in a while...