You asked for it, you got it!
The long awaited Blagsvedt Blog of the new home construction. You can check in from time to time, to keep abreast of the progress.
From These Hands - Owner builder blog of building dream house using green recycled materials.
Had to be the first one to welcome everyone and your comments to our little project. What you are looking at here is the results of a couple years of blood sweat and tears taking us through the design process, starting the two story garage on the right, the destruction of our old home, and now finally the home stretch, the construction of the main house. God, continue to give us strength at least till I get a roof on the main house. Keep us in your thoughts and thank you for your comments.
Call it The Blogsvedt Gazette.
... or Blogsville.
Don't call it Blag’s Blog.
Talk to you soon, Solveig
GO guys!!
I am so happy to see the blog!
will watch with bated breathe!
So impressed by the great pics, not to mention the progress!
Keep up the great work, guys. I'll keep you in my dreams:)
Oh, those Blags and their blogs!
That's MY son building your new palace. Great job Frank
Mr Bastone,
Glad to see you were able to see some of your son's handywork. I have always enjoyed working with Frank and this one is proving to challenge us both. We will make sure Frank extends an invite to the grand opening. Just be patient it might be a while.
Thanks for the props Dad, but I'm only one of many people helping to build the Blagsvedt dream
forget about the palace, where are the pictures of your beautiful baby sister!!!
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